Thursday, July 30, 2009


The original inhabitants of Funkiki Island, Nibble have a deep love and respect for the ocean. The Nibble have a natural affinity towards the ocean, preferring to spend more time at sea then on land. In fact, they spend so much time in the water, they have permanent swimmers ear. Their scary, chomping appearance is less about eating and more about clearing their ears. They are always yawning and opening and closing their big mouths. The yawning sounds like growling and the movement looks like biting so most visitors are first quite scared of the Nibble. But once you get to know them, you'll dive right in. Some believe the Nibble to be ancient ancestors of the Glub who eons ago crossed the great Blue Divide on primitive boats guided only by the stars. But while the Glub are known for the wonderful singing voices, the Nibble's water clogged ears make them tone deaf. With the invention of the portals, and the subsequent flood of Funkey tourists to Funkiki Island, the Nibble established the now famous Chum Divers beach shop. Chum Divers offers snorkeling, guided fishing tours, and their special Pearl Diving expeditions. Or just stop in for a quick bite.

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